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Tooth Extractions
Eugene, OR

Operatory for extraction at Eugene Dental Group.A tooth extraction, meaning the removal of a tooth from its socket, is a procedure we perform when a tooth is damaged beyond repair from fracture or decay. Extractions are also done to remove teeth that are impacted, or unable to move correctly into position such as third molars which are also known as wisdom teeth. We take your oral health very seriously, and as such, the removal of teeth should be done only when no other option is best. Prior to and following the removal of a tooth, our staff at Eugene Dental Group can discuss how this may impact your oral health and what we can do to restore the area if needed.

The extraction of a tooth is the full removal of the tooth from the socket, releasing it from the jaw bone. This process can be done using a dental tool known as a lift or elevator and then dental forceps to remove.

Tooth extractions are often categorized into two types, surgical and non-surgical extractions. Non-surgical and simple surgical extractions can be performed in our Eugene office; however, if the procedure seems more complicated, such as removing multiple wisdom teeth, the procedure may be referred to one of our trusted oral surgeons.

Why are teeth extracted?

Following a dental exam, many patients have suggested removing a tooth instead of taking more extensive and often more expensive measures to restore a tooth, but this is often not the best decision for their oral health. We promote saving and restoring natural teeth whenever possible, but there are reasons that extraction or removal may be the best option, this includes:

•  Impacted Molars
•  Severely Decayed Teeth
•  A tooth that has severely Fractured or Broken
•  Extensive Bone Loss has Occurred
•  Non-functional or poorly functional teeth that should be replaced with a bridge, denture or dental implant

Restoration Following Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are often done in preparation for a restorative treatment plan. For many patients, this will mean the application of a dental appliance following extraction, such as a dental bridge or the surgical placement of a dental implant followed by a crown. Dental implants are rapidly becoming the most requested treatment as it allows for an independent restoration of the tooth root. This will preserve the health of the supporting bone and will not affect neighboring teeth.

Tooth Extraction Post-Operative Instructions

Having a tooth extracted can be uncomfortable, requiring observation and care for a couple of days following removal. A majority of our patients have experienced some bleeding, oozing, soreness and even moderate to severe pain in the first 24-48 hours after extraction.

We will review what you can expect before leaving our office, but in most cases bleeding should stop within 8–12 hours following the extraction. If you experience a significant amount of bleeding or continue to bleed past this time please call our office at (541) 683-8646 immediately. The oozing of pink fluid for 1–2 days is normal and as long as it’s minimal, is no cause for concern.

Pain or discomfort after your extraction is best managed with a mild over the counter analgesic like Tylenol, Advil or Aleve. If you experience severe pain that lasts more than 2–3 days after your extraction please call our office.

While healing, it is important to not disturb the extraction site. We recommend that patients eat soft foods and avoid sucking through straws, or vigorously rinsing for 24 hours following the extraction.

After 24 hours rinse with strong warm salt water for 1 minute a couple of times daily for 3–4 days. This will reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth and will promote better healing.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to call us at (541) 683-8646.

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